

At 3D Animal Shop, we are proud to offer transparent pricing that includes free shipping on all orders. Shipping is the most significant part of the process, and we’ve designed our pricing to make it simple and cost-effective for our customers.

Automatic Discounts on Bulk Orders:

  • After shipping costs are covered, an automated $2 discount per item is applied to the first 5 items in your order.
  • For orders of 10 items or more, the discount increases to $3 per item.

This means the more you buy, the more you save, all while enjoying the convenience of free shipping!

Quality You Can Trust:
Every model is handcrafted in the USA using the best 3D printers available and premium-quality filament. This ensures that every 3D print is durable, vibrant, and of the highest possible quality.

Whether you’re adding a single piece to your collection or placing a bulk order, we’re committed to delivering exceptional craftsmanship and value with every purchase.

Thank you for supporting 3D Animal Shop and our commitment to top-tier 3D printed creations!